Why is my baby crying all the time?
Babies cry for many reasons – most commonly because they are hungry or need a nappy change. You can try these simple comfort methods to see if the crying stops. Sometimes babies cry because they are uncomfortable or are unwell. This may be due to colic, reflux, constipation or infection amongst other things (see below). ⠀
Below are some things to look out for if your baby is crying that may suggest they are unwell.⠀
If your child has any of the following then dial 999 (911)⠀
Becomes pale, mottled or abnormally cold to touch⠀
Becomes stiff for a prolonged period or has rhythmic, jerky movements of arms or legs that does not stop when you touch it (a fit/seizure)⠀
Becomes extremely agitated (crying inconsolably despite distraction)⠀
Becomes floppy or very lethargic (difficult to wake)⠀
Is going blue around the lips or has difficulty breathing⠀
A rash that does not disappear with pressure ⠀
If your child has any of the following contact your gp surgery today or dial 111⠀
Has a temperature above 38°C / 100.4°F (but fever is common in babies up to 2 days after they receive vaccinations)⠀
Becoming increasingly sleepy and not consistently waking for feeds⠀
No wet nappies in the last 8 hours⠀
Has a dry mouth or sunken fontanelle (soft spot on the head)⠀
Is getting worse or you are worried⠀
If none of the above features are present and they are continuing to feed well, has plenty of wet nappies the contact your local Health Visitor who will be able to offer you additional support ⠀
A crying baby is stressful but a baby crying for no obvious reason can be doubly as stressful. what experiences have you guys had? A friend of mine her husband would put their baby in the car in the middle of the night and drive until she fell asleep. One night he drove from Dorset to Birmingham