Understanding Reflux

REFLUX happens because muscles at the base of your baby’s food pipe have not fully developed, so milk can come back up easily.⠀
Your baby’s muscles will develop as they get older and they should grow out of it.⠀
Reflux usually starts before a baby is 8 weeks old and gets better by the time they’re 1.⠀
Symptoms of reflux in babies include: ⠀


being unsettled during feeding⠀

crying and not settling⠀

Sometimes babies may have signs of reflux, but will not bring up milk or be sick. This is known as silent reflux and I will do another info.post on this for you soon ⠀
In most babies, reflux is nothing to worry about (as long as they are healthy and gaining weight as expected). However, in some cases (though very few) reflux can cause a lot of pain when strong acid travels up into the food pipe. When reflux becomes painful and it happens frequently, this is known as ‘gastro-oesophageal reflux disease’ (GORD).
A top tip for helping any digestive issues in babies such as colic and reflux is to KEEP BABY CLOSE TO YOU. This means plenty of skin to skin, holding, cradling and wearing (in a sling). It helps them to feel calm and safe and just where they should be – with you.
Our emotions are intrinsically linked with our digestive systems, think about the feelings you have in your tummy if you are scared, nervous, anxious or feel unsafe. Its the same for a baby, if they aren’t with you they can feel all of the emotions above.
They love being with you so enjoy every minute, it wont last forever